Friday Faves

Friday, March 04, 2016

Happy Friday friends!!! Yay we made it through another week! I think this semester is going to kill me, so being one week closer to spring break is giving me a really warm, fuzzy feeling right now! Here are a few of my faves this week:

1. Books! So since my last Friday Faves post, I've completed a few more books for the reading challenge I'm doing. Here's what I've finished so far!

  1. "Call the Midwife" by Jennifer Worth. A book from the library. 5 days to read. 4/5 stars.
  2. "Everything Everything" by Nicola Yoon. A book you can finish in the day. 1 day to read. 5/5 stars!
  3. "Fun Home" by Alison Bechdel. A graphic novel. 2 days to read. 2/5 stars.
  4. "Me Before You" by Jojo Moyes. A book being made into a movie this year. 7 days to read. 5/5 stars!! Amazing! Can't wait for the movie in June! Here's a link to the trailer.
  5. "As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of the Princess Bride" by Cary Elwes. A book written by a celebrity. 4 days to read. 4/5 stars. I had to read this since "The Princess Bride" is one of my favorite movies ever and the stories Cary Elwes had to tell about filming were so good!
  6. "Cinder" by Marissa Meyer. A book based on a fairy tale. 7 days to read. 4/5 stars. Never did I think I would enjoy a book about a cyborg Cinderella this much, but I couldn't put it down! Luckily it's the first in a series so I can keep going!
  7. Currently reading: "The Martian" by Andy Weir for the science fiction novel category. Also working on "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon for the book with over 600 pages category. 

2. Food shows! Pretty much any tv show or documentary that has anything to do with food or cooking, I'm going to watch. Lately I've been watching 2 different series, Chef's Table on Netflix, and The Mind of a Chef which is a PBS show but is also on Netflix.

Both are so good! Each episode of Chef's Table follows a different amazingly talented and famous chef and you learn how they got their start and their philosophy on food and cooking. Each season of The Mind of a Chef follows a different chef and you learn about their restaurant and their philosophy on food and cooking, and it's amazing! The second season follows chef Sean Brock, who I now have a major crush on! I mean, come on, he can cook, he gardens, and he cares passionately about real, home grown food and environmentally responsible/sustainable farming and cooking. I might have to travel to Charleston to go to his restaurant, Husk, and buy his cookbook. And I think he's adorable! If you love food and cooking, you should check these shows out!

3. Dried fruit! Lately I have been obsessed with dried fruit. I stocked up on banana chips, dried mango and dried papaya at Nature's Grocers the other day and have struggled to not just chow down all day long. Actually it's been game on with all fruit lately! Apples, particularly jonagold and gala's, have been really good lately, and I have one for my morning snack every single day. Also berries, for some reason, have been pretty good and not terribly expensive at my grocery store, so I've gotten my blueberry, raspberry and strawberry fix lately! I'm so ready for spring to get here so my farmer's market will open back up! 4 weeks to go!

4. barkTHINS! If you haven't tried this snack yet, you really need to! I love the dark chocolate almond with sea salt, but they have other varieties too, all of which are amazing. Try them! I know you'll love them!

5. Fuller House! I could not be more excited that Neftlix brought back Full House, and I binge watched Fuller House when it was released last Friday. I grew  up with Michelle on Full House, and always had to have my hair like "baby Michelle's". And now they've announced they'll be doing a season 2 of Fuller House! It's all my early 90's dreams come true! 

I hope you have all a great weekend! The weather here is supposed to be beautiful, so get outside and enjoy it!
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