Life Update

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Hey y'all! I hope you're still with me, but honestly after having a silent blog for five-ish months, I wouldn't blame you if you'd forgotten about my little space here! Life has been nuts for the past year really and now things are somewhat calming down (for now!) and I'm going to hopefully be more vigilant about posting on here. I'm passionate about food and nutrition and I want to be here to help teach you things and share yummy recipes with you! So that all being said, here's what's been up with me!

If you've followed along with me on here before, then you know that my husband and I moved to a new area last July. We've moved quite a bit (I feel too dang much!) but this one was a good one to a place we love and closer to good friends and family. We are very happy to be out of the city and really love our little bit of the country. Okay, we don't live in the country, we have a small town about 10 minutes and larger cities about 30 minutes away, but this is the farthest out of a town or city I've ever lived! So this is country to me man!

Taken approximately 30 seconds after getting our keys.
We are finally feeling somewhat settled in and have put our design touch on the house. I've painted every single room on the main floor but we still have yet to work on the lower level. We're doing what we can as we go, and eventually it will be exactly how we want it!

In December, I finished my Master's thesis and passed my oral exams and now have a Master of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics! I am so incredibly relieved and pretty dang proud of myself to have accomplished this big achievement. Now I feel like I really know what I'm talking about and can give you all some info and advice!

Another huge development in our lives is that we are expecting our first child! I am due with our baby boy the end of May and we are so incredibly excited and just over-the-moon happy! I can't wait to meet our little guy.
Monroe and I, 26 weeks pregnant!
I have been incredibly lucky and have felt really amazing throughout my pregnancy, other than a nasty cold at the end of December. My cravings haven't been too crazy. Other than wanting Dairy Queen chicken strips and peanut butter Oreo blizzards pretty much constantly, I've had an intense craving for healthy foods such as apples and clementines. I'll take that over peanut butter and pickle sandwiches any day! My weight gain throughout has been pretty moderate, and I'm well within the "normal" healthy weight gain range for my pre-pregnancy BMI. I've totally taken advantage of being a happy somewhat lazy pregnant lady, but now that the weather is getting nicer I've been trying really hard to get more exercise in everyday. Really really!

I'm still job hunting and in my spare time at home have been reading a ton, cleaning, and of course cooking! So I have lots to share with all of you! Please keep checking in!

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