Broccoli & Cheese Stuffed Chicken

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I hope everyone is having a great before-Christmas. This is my absolute favorite time of year! Everything is beautiful and magical, and smells like cookies! I've been baking the last 4 days straight and as of last night I am officially done! I love putting together packages of goodies for our neighbors and friends, but I go a little overboard. This year's baking list started with 4 things, but eventually made it to 8...whoops. I'm exhausted of cooking right now, but tomorrow we're having our own little family's Christmas and I'm attempting to roast my first turkey! Pray for me.

The recipe I'm sharing with you today is from SkinnyTaste, another one of my favorite blogs full of amazing, healthy recipes. I've made so many of her recipes and they're all good. This is no exception. I had never stuffed a chicken breast until I made this the first time, and it's not as hard as it sounds! There's another variation that has a jalapeno popper stuffing which is amazing! I hope you try this recipe out! You'll love it!

Broccoli & Cheese Stuffed Chicken

Prep Time: 20 min. | Total Time: 45 min. | Serves: ~4

1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts (usually 2 large pieces)
1 large egg
2 tsp. water
3/4 cup whole wheat seasoned breadcrumbs
2 cups broccoli florets, cooked, chopped small
4 slices cheese (you can choose which type, I've used cheddar and Swiss)
Salt and pepper
Nonstick cooking spray

Preparation Instructions:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl, combine egg, water and a little salt. Beat with a fork to make an egg wash. Set aside. Fill a second bowl with breadcrumbs. 
Slice the chicken breast halves into cutlets. You can either do this on your own, or buy pre-cut cutlets. I take each chicken breast and slice it in half lengthwise, then cover them with plastic wrap and beat them with a rolling pin (or mallet if you're so lucky to have one!) to get them thin enough to fill and roll. 
Place a slice of cheese into the center of each cutlet and top with a little broccoli. You'll know how much is right when you try to roll it. Roll chicken and make sure it's wrapped around the filling, use toothpicks to secure the ends. Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Be sure to do this, or it can be a little bland. Yes, I speak from experience.

Dip each chicken cutlet into the egg wash and then into the breadcrumbs. Spray a cookie sheet with oil or line with aluminum foil, and place chicken on cookie sheet. Lightly spray each piece of chicken with nonstick spray and then bake for about 25 minutes, or until cooked through.

I serve this chicken with a side salad and some roasted or steamed veggies, or an easy quick pasta side dish. This recipe is adapted from here

Nutrition Information:
     Calories: 142
     Fat: 4.9 g
     Carbs: 4.8 g
     Protein: 19.4 g

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