A Runner...Me? You Must Be Joking.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Okay, so I'm not a runner. Every large chested girl in the world is in this club with me and knows that the struggle is real. Having to wear two sports bras doesn't exactly help you be a good "runner", and it sure as hell doesn't mean you're going to enjoy it.

Deep down I have always wanted to be a runner. I see those lean, fit people running down my street looking all in shape and properly winded (I have asthma and tend to sound like a freight train while running) and I get super jealous. I would love to be one of them. I even married an excellent runner, sheesh. So a couple years ago I decided I was going to run my first 5K. I downloaded the nifty Couch to 5K app on my phone and I started running almost daily. It was slow going but I did it! I finished the run alive and did it under 30 minutes, which was my goal!

Running to the finish line! Don't judge the dorky look...I was just relieved to be alive.

Then the race was over and I went back to my couch potato ways.

Running for me is 1000% mental. I am constantly at war with myself. Here a little sample of the conversation going on in my head for ya:

Whoa I don't remember these shorts being this short, maybe I should go back and put on my capris.
I really need to update my running playlist, this is super old. Oh! Nikki Minaj...yay!
I totally just twisted my ankle stepping off that curb, I need to walk it off.
You can breathe, you are not dying, you do not need your inhaler!
Oh geez, car coming... people will see you... pick it up girl! 
Ow! I have a major stitch in my side, maybe I should head home.
Nope bitch keep going! (My inner motivational speaker is very Jillian Michaels-esque, she'll call me all kinds of names if it gets my butt moving!)
Okay get to the end of this block....
You did it! Awesome! Get to that pretty house down the street with the teal front door you like...
Holy crap a hill?! I didn't sign up for this!!
I see my house! It's so far away!
Finish strong! You got this!!
Done!! *collapse*

Okay that about sums it up. There's a whole bunch of weird going on up there. The truth is once I get going I really enjoy myself. It's 20 minutes out of my day that I can just focus on me and clear my head. I'm a very high-strung, anxious person and constantly being in front of screens (computer at work, phone, tv) really bothers me and I can just feel the anxiety creep in. It's very common for me to drive home in complete silence at the end of the day, or sit on my deck in the sun after work just to get some quiet. Running is another one of these calming outlets for me. The more I realize that, the more I can talk myself into actually getting out there!

My 12 week Transformation with my trainer is over in just 3 shorts weeks...eek! What then!? How will I keep myself motivated and continue to make progress!? I've decided to sign up for a couple 5K runs this fall. The first is in September and the second is in my hometown the first weekend of October. I'm a goal oriented person and if I've signed up for them, then I have to train and be ready to go! No backing out! I just keep telling myself, the only bad run is the one I don't do. I'm not going for a record time, I'm just going to prove to myself that I can. 

Are any of you runners? Do you have any tips for me? Awesome songs you run to? You want to run these stinkin' 5K's with me?!

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  1. yes yes yes!!! I want to run some 5k's with you. Amazing runner..I am not! But I do the best I can!! And It is always nice to have someone to run with. I've been wanting to do another obstacle course too, but haven't committed! Have you ever done one? As you can see, I am getting caught up on your blog! ;-)


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