White Bean Hummus

Monday, June 29, 2015

Every now and then my husband shows me a recipe he thinks looking amazing. He's almost always right... yes I said it. He gave me the best cookie recipe ever that I made last Christmas and handed out to neighbors and friends. So when he showed me this recipe for hummus last weekend, I was excited to give it a try. We love hummus but it's not something I've ever made myself, and at first I was a little wary of using cannelini beans instead of the more traditional chickpeas. This is White Bean Hummus and it's delicious!!!

White Bean Hummus

Prep Time: 5 minutes | Total Time: 5 minutes | Difficulty: Easy

1 can white (cannelini) beans, drained and rinsed
1 clove garlic
1/4 cup olive oil
Fresh basil, to taste
Fresh lemon juice, to taste
Salt and pepper

Preparation Instructions:
Put beans, garlic and basil into food processor and blend until smooth. Add basil and salt and pepper. Blend again. Add olive oil, while food processor is on, until you reach the desired consistency. I don't think I used the entire 1/4 cup, probably closer to 1/8. Serve chilled with fresh veggies and pita chips.


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