Fresh Salsa

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Everyone has at least one recipe that they make really well and have perfected. Salsa (or pico de gallo) is mine. This is my go to for any get-together we're invited to and during the summer I make it almost weekly. It's fresh and delicious and versatile and....oh so amazing.

It couldn't be simpler, you only need 6 things (I forgot to put the seasoning in the picture...oops)...

This is our puppy, Monroe. She's my cooking buddy. Usually she watches half interested from her favorite rug, gets bored with me and leaves to go sleep on the couch.

This was later when I was done chopping and I woke her up with my camera clicking, which she couldn't quite figure out if she liked or not.

I mean it, make the salsa, you'll love it!

Fresh Salsa

Prep Time: 20 minutes  |   Total Time: 1 hour  |  Difficulty: Easy


  • 6 plum (Roma) tomatoes
  • 1/2 large red onion (or 1 small)
  • 1-2 jalapenos, depending on how spicy you like your salsa
  • Cilantro
  • Lime juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste
Preparation Instructions:

Chop tomatoes, onion, and jalapenos into a very small dice. I do this by hand, but I know people who have used a food processor for this step. Do whatever makes your skirt fly up! I like chopping by hand because I can really control the size of the dice. Use as much or as little jalapeno as you'd like, depending on how hot you like things. Next, chop up and add the cilantro. Again, add as much as you like! Stir all of these ingredients in a large bowl.

Next add the juice of 1-2 limes to the bowl. Add salt and pepper, taste and adjust. That's it! Super important step: cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 20-30 minutes. The flavors need a chance to blend together,. Eat with chips, a spoon, or use in tacos, burritos, or just over some grilled chicken like I did last night. Delicious!

Advice: Use Roma tomatoes, you can really tell a difference. They're a little less watery than hot house or other larger tomatoes. Also, instead of salt and pepper, I use Nature's Seasonings. It's a premixed seasoning and it's delicious on just about everything.
Variations: I'll add semi-mashed avocado to a portion of the salsa to make some really great fresh guacamole. To stretch my batch of salsa, I often add rinsed canned black beans and canned corn. Adding chopped fresh mango would also be amazing!

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