Meal Plan This Week

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Hello everyone! Now that my husband is done (well technically this is his last week) with his 12 week training, I am back to my normal meal planning/cooking regimen. I have to say that I've definitely missed it! After being on a very strict diet for my 12 weeks training and then doing his diet for 12 weeks, I think we're both ready for some "normal" food! We're still eating healthy, but every dinner is no longer fish or chicken with plain veggies. Here is my meal schedule this week....

It's not very exciting since we had a busy weekend last week and then a much needed date night planned for this weekend. But that's okay! Our weekdays will be nicely planned and healthy!

Here is the grocery haul this week....

My grocery store had the rolls of ground turkey on sale for $2.99 each! And it's 93/7, so super lean! So I had to stock up! We'll use this a lot this time of year especially. I replace ground beef in a lot of recipes like chili, meatballs for spaghetti, taco soup, other soups like minestrone, tacos, etc.

Honestly there's not a lot that I have to prep this week. I could cut up the produce, but with my school schedule I'm home a lot, so there's not a real need for that. I've already posted the recipe for the quinoa broccoli bites but I'm excited to post the other recipes, there's some really great stuff there I think you'll like!

I'd love to hear about what all of you have been eating! Or changes you've been making in your everyday lives to be a little healthier. Or how you're doing meal planning, any organizing strategies you've come up with, etc. Let me know!

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