A Non-Political Poll

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Happy Thursday everyone! I don't know about you, but I'm pretty tired of hearing about the presidential election already....and we're still months away from the actual election. Ah! So I've decided to make my own poll here on A Pursuit of Healthy. I would love to know what you want to see more of here! So in the toolbar to the right of your screen you will see a poll right after the "about me" section. You can choose more than one option and stay completely anonymous. And if you have other ideas that aren't listed, comment here and let me know! It would really help me when figuring out what to post here, which I literally lie awake some nights coming up with ideas.

Also! Right underneath the poll you will see a nifty little box where you can subscribe! This is relatively new as well! You just enter in your email address and then whenever I publish a new post you will be alerted. Woot! 

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