Crock Pot Pork Tacos

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Alright, are you ready for the hardest recipe ever!? It's tough. It involves a crock pot, a pork tenderloin, and salsa.....that's it. I love this recipe! I have been making this pork tenderloin in the crock pot for years. It is so flavorful and easy and really makes the best tacos ever. Here is everything you'll need:

Seriously, easiest thing you'll ever "cook". I don't know even know how to type out a recipe because this isn't really a recipe, but here goes.

Crock Pot Pork Tacos

Total Time: 4-8 hours

1 pork tenderloin (I bought a 1 lb tenderloin for the 2 of us)
1 jar of your favorite salsa (for a smaller tenderloin, use approx. 1/2 the jar)
Corn or flour tortillas
Taco toppings: lettuce, cheese, onion, tomato, avocado, black olives, salsa, sour cream

Preparation Instructions:
Place pork tenderloin in the crock pot. Pour salsa over the tenderloin. Cook either on low for approximately 8 hours, or on high for approximately 4 hours. When tenderloin is finished cooking, shred with 2 forks (it just falls apart so you could probably just stir and it would shred), stir and leave in crock pot with salsa and juices for about 10 more minutes.

Serve with your favorite taco toppings and enjoy! This meat is really great in tacos or also in burrito bowls, if you make some cilantro lime rice. Mouth watering over here!

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