Ground Turkey Sweet Potato Skillet

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Happy Wednesday everyone! It's been a crazy couple of weeks getting into the swing of things at school, so I apologize for my little break in posts. I'm working on finding a balance between spending every waking moment reading research articles and doing homework and actually, ya know, living.

I wanted to share this really awesome, easy recipe with you today because it has become one of our favorites and I think you'll really like it too! When I first found this recipe, I wanted to make it because it was a good, quick dinner option for us that didn't involve the usual carbohydrates of rice and potatoes. It involves a potato, but I almost don't include sweet potatoes in my head as a traditional carbohydrate because of all the additional vitamins and fiber it provides. I'm trying to show options to you all that don't have to necessarily involve the typical Midwestern meat and potatoes diet.

I remember when I made this the first time, I actually apologized to my husband and forewarned him that it might not be good. I was worried that the ground turkey and sweet potato would be an off combo in this form, and that the turkey would be really bland since there are little to no seasonings in the recipe. I could not have been more wrong about this recipe. It's delicious!! Luke loved it so much that he asked if I could make it on Sunday's to pack up for his lunches for the week. It really couldn't be simpler and it's very good. Just serve with a veggie of some kind or a big salad and you'll have a fast, delicious, wholesome meal! Enjoy!

Ground Turkey Sweet Potato Skillet

Prep Time: 15 min. | Cook Time: 15 min. | Serves 4

2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 lb. extra-lean ground turkey
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 cup yellow onion, diced
1/2 cup yellow or orange bell pepper, diced
1 1/2 cups sweet potato, diced
Salt and pepper
A pinch of chili pepper
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Parsley for garnishing

Preparation Instructions:
Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add ground turkey and garlic and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Give a pretty generous sprinkle of salt and pepper. Add onions and peppers and cook until the onions are golden brown.

Add the sweet potato, chili pepper, salt and pepper. Cover the skillet and cook until the potatoes are tender. Sometimes I'll add a splash of water, maybe about 1/8 cup, and put the lid on to help the sweet potatoes steam and cook faster. Stir occasionally.

When sweet potatoes are fork tender, add mozzarella cheese and place the lid back on the skillet to melt. Garnish with parsley and serve

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