Meal Plan | Week 8

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hey everyone! So my menu planning posts have been a little lax lately and I really apologize. Our lives have been a little crazy and honestly I've planned our meals every week, but some weeks we only stuck to it about 4-5 days because we were just pulled in so many directions. Those weeks happen!

This week shouldn't be any crazier than others (fingers crossed) so I challenged myself to getting it planned out, sticking to it, and most importantly simplifying our menu. You'll see barely any actual recipes. I feel like so many people, myself included, think they need to use recipes all the time and use a myriad of different ingredients and spices, but we know that the simple and the least ingredients used equates to healthier meals. So you'll see a lot of healthy proteins and LOADS of vegetables. I encourage you to try it yourself! Play with your meals, try new things and different food combinations and figure out what you like.

Here is everything from my grocery trip. Lots of fruits, veggies and lean proteins!
So to prep for the week, I made this skillet dish for my husband's lunches and got them all portioned out in their containers to be ready for him to grab in the morning. It's really such a simple recipe, it maybe takes 20 minutes, and I know that he's getting a healthy, nutritious lunch with a good amount of both protein and fiber.
I also chopped  up a bunch of veggies to have on hand for any stir fry's, salads or snacks during the week. I'm really focusing on sticking to a plant based diet. I've read and heard thousands of times in my education that plant based diets are the healthiest and the best for our minds and bodies, so I'm doing my best! Practice what you preach! I also whipped up a couple quick marinades and salad dressings for this weeks food. They're so simple to make and not loaded up with junk like bottled products are. I'll share those with you later!
In addition to the broccoli, cucumbers and zucchini pictures above, I also chopped up a bunch of sweet potatoes into bite-size pieces so they're easy to toss with olive oil and either roast or saute.

I hope you all have a great week and have your meal plans set and prep done!

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