Friday Faves

Monday, January 18, 2016

So obviously, as you can see by the title of this post, this was supposed to be posted on Friday....whoops! I had it all ready to go minus the pictures and then got busy over the weekend with a friend in town and doing things around the house and it just didn't happen. Sorry! I'm trying to start this new series where every Friday (or almost every Friday) I list a few of my favorite things at the moment. These will be both about nutrition and fitness and not, just to give you a better picture about me and things that I enjoy. And hopefully you'll hear of something new and try it and love it too! Here goes...

1. First and foremost, PB2. Do you use this amazing stuff? I heart it to so much! I started using it earlier this summer while I was going through my "12 Week Transformation" to jazz up my morning oatmeal and I just love it. I use it daily. It's almost become a condiment in our home. You can use it just like you would peanut butter, but it's dry. So if you want to use it as peanut butter in a sandwich or something, you would just add water. I add it to my oatmeal and plain Greek yogurt, but I have also baked with it (rice krispie treats, protein balls, etc). It's really versatile and delicious! If you haven't tried it, but love peanut butter and want to skip all the oils and sugars, you need to try PB2. Oh they have a chocolate PB2 too, it's equally yummy!

2. Yoga with Adriene. I started doing yoga semi-regularly last year and absolutely loved it. Eventually, I got so busy with my other workouts (ya know, after being on an elliptical for an hour, you just don't want to move anymore!) that my yoga practice was pushed aside. The first of the year, I started an online "Yoga Camp" through Yoga with Adriene and it's A-mazing! Every day for the month of January she posts a new video and each day has a new intention, like "I Accept...", "I Create..." etc. They're awesome. Most videos are 30-35 minutes and are the perfect amount of time to get me centered and relaxed and ready to take on my day. Not to mention, they work my body over! I definitely wouldn't call it a difficult practice as it's targeted to beginners, but I feel my muscles the day after and I can tell that I've done something to get stronger and more flexible. Click here for the link to her site, and give it a try! We all need a little relaxation and meditation in our lives!

3. Workflowy App. I don't know about you, but I am a definite list maker! I've got lists all over the place man! There is just something about making a to-do and then crossing those suckers off one by one that makes you feel good! Up until recently I have been a strict, old-fashioned write on paper list maker, but I downloaded the Workflowy app on my phone and it's awesome! There's nothing fancy about it, it's just for making lists. I put my grocery list on there so that I have it with me if I run to the store and inevitably can't remember that one specific thing I came for! The main thing I like about this app is that after you've completed something and checked it off, you can still see it if you want. I love to see the checked off things because it makes me feel accomplished! I tried another app and as soon as you finished something it just disappeared, no fun! Click here to learn more about Workflowy and see if it would help you!

4. Cliff Bars. Have you tried Cliff Bars?! I love them, especially the Crunch Cliff Bars. You will find them in my purse, and my backpack, and just about everywhere I am. I am one of those people with funky blood sugars. Mine can drop in a second and I get dizzy and light headed, and when I get hungry I almost instantly become hangry... ya know that so hungry you get grouchy. These help! I think they're delicious. They're good for you but don't taste like chalk, win win!

5. The new show I'm addicted to lately is "Call the Midwife", it's a PBS show similar to "Downton Abbey" (which I also love) and now you can find it on Netflix! I had never watched it on TV and just kind of stumbled upon it on Netflix and was immediately hooked! It's about nurse midwives who live and work through a convent of nuns who are also midwives, in the poor area of London called Poplar in the 1950s. The characters are amazing, the accents are amazing and the stories are just so great. In the world we live in where every time you turn on the TV you see horrible things, it's a nice show for me to turn on and just feel good. It's just very heartwarming and 9 times out of 10 I'm teary or crying at the end of the episode, but in a good way. Try it, I know you'll love it! I just finished the memoir it's based on by Jennifer Worth last night, and it was so good!

6. Popsugar's 2016 Reading Challenge! If you haven't noticed yet, I'm a reader. You don't grow up the daughter of a librarian and hate books. Reading is very important in my life. It's like home, and when I'm super stressed/nervous/anxious, you will often find me in the library just walking around. The library (and my kitchen) is my happy place. So last year I found this awesome reading challenge on the website, PopSugar. It was a list of 50 books all with different themes or genres or subjects and it was just a great way to get me out of my normal reading and trying something new. This years list is 40 books, which seems more doable as I only made it to about 20 last year, and the subjects are just as good! If you try it out let me know and find me on Goodreads, it's a website/app that I use to track what I've read, what I want to read and lets my friends and fellow bookworms know what I'm reading now and how I've liked other books. It's really great! Here's the reading challenge list:

I hope you're enjoying a nice relaxing day off (if you're lucky enough not to have to work). Spring semester for me officially starts tomorrow and I'm ready to get going! I like having the time off but I'm going a little stir crazy. Let me know if you love any of the things I listed today, or if there is something you think I'd like and should try, I'd love to hear from you! Have a great week!

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