Friday Faves

Friday, January 29, 2016

1. "Everything, Everything" by Nicola Yoon. I read this book in a day...yep a day. I don't think I've ever done that before. And it's not like it was only 100 pages, nope it was 350 pages! I could not put this book down. It's technically a young adult fiction novel, but I absolutely loved it. It's about an 18 year old girl with a mysterious illness that basically means she has to live in a "bubble". She never leaves her house for fear of getting sick. Then a boy moves in next door. Oh man! I just loved how the author wrote this book, it's full of drawings and cute little doodles and lists and it's just different. I loved it! Read it! So now I have finished 3 out of 40 books for the 2016 Reading Challenge! Here's what I've finished so far:

  1. A book from the library: "Call the Midwife" by Jennifer Worth (I used this one up early because all of my books are from the library and I didn't want to cheat and leave that easy category for the end). Loved this one so much! 5 days to read. 4/5 stars.
  2. A book you can finish in a day: "Everything, Everything" by Nicola Yoon. 1 day to read. 5/5.
  3. A graphic novel: "Fun Home" by Alison Bechdel. So I learned from this that graphic novels are not my thing. It's just a giant comic book but instead of super heroes, it's like a normal novel. The topic was kind of depressing, and I basically raced through it to get it over with. 2 days to read. 2/5 stars.

2. Comfort food. Last week was super cold and snowy here and I felt like I'd never be warm again so we had lots of comfort food here! We have had homemade chicken noodle soup the last two Sunday's because of being cold and then because of being sick. And then I made chicken pot pies last week. So delicious! What have you been eating? I surely can't be the only one eating comfort food this week. And it looks like a snow storm is heading our way on Tuesday, so I'm not seeing an end to the comfort food in sight. 

3. Friends reruns. I've watched all episodes of Friends, I never missed an episode when it aired originally. I love this show! Now, with it all being on Netflix, it is so easy for me to just play them throughout the day, more for noise than anything else. And since I've been sick all week, I watched a few....or more then that. And got up to date with a few other shows. It's sad but here's what I watched this week, and don't judge, I was on the couch all week: Once Upon a Time (I love this show...cheesy? Yes. Addictive? Absolutely.), Criminal Minds (Again, love this show!), Call the Midwife (I had to get caught up to start the new season), Mind of a Chef (awesome Netflix docuseries about cooking, love!). I think that's it....I hope that's it.

4. Blue Bunny frozen yogurt. I love ice cream, and my mom absolutely loves ice cream! So I come by it honestly. I don't crave it all the time, but when I do I want to have something a smidge healthier than a peanut butter Oreo concrete from Culver's (oh good!). So I tried the chocolate vanilla swirl frozen yogurt from Blue Bunny and am officially addicted! The flavor is excellent and at 110 calories in a 1/2 cup, I don't have to feel that bad about eating it.

5. Fleece-lined leggings. I'm kind of late to this party, but I bought a pair of fleece-lined leggings from Target right before Christmas and pretty much haven't taken them off since. They're so comfortable and warm and fuzzy! If you love leggings, but get cold in them like I do, you need to get a pair. Here are the leggings I bought.

6. New music! "Hide Away" by Daya. This song has been on repeat all week. It's just fun with a good beat and has been added to my workout playlist for whenever my lungs let me exercise again! Watch it here on Youtube.

Also, Coldplay's new song "Adventure of a Lifetime". I've loved Coldplay since I first heard them in middle school or high school. I don't care, make fun of me. Their music just gives me all the feels. Their newest song makes me want to dance. Check it out! Watch the video here on Youtube.

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