Happy New Year!

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Happy New Year! Well a little late, but it's my first post of 2016, so HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a safe and fun new year. I spent about a week in my hometown spending time with my family and friends, and getting a jump start on plans for my thesis (and future careers plan) and I'm coming into 2016 with so much energy and excitement for what the future holds! Now if only next December could get here quicker so I can graduate already!

I know that the majority of people make resolutions that deal with weight loss. I've never really been a resolution maker, I just felt like I set myself up for failure by making these grand resolutions. Most of the time resolutions dealing with weight loss are completely unrealistic and people get overwhelmed and/or disappointed by not seeing instant results and then give up. I would love to see everyone pledge to make small changes in their daily lives. Changes they know they can stick to. Changes that aren't so restrictive that they feel deprived of something. You want to be happy right? Well start there. Pledge to do something to make you happy! I saw this on New Years day that I agreed with 100%...

I love that, don't you?! So this year instead of setting out to "fix" something about myself, I am just setting out to create intentions, or goals, for myself. Here are mine....
  1. Drink more water.
  2. Move every single day. 
  3. Take time every day away from all screens.
  4. Read more. I LOVE to read and use the Goodreads app and I've made a goal to read at least 30 books this year, so I'm working to stick to it!
Those are all things that I can realistically stick to and will come out on the other side a happier (and healthier) person. I feel more empowered to stick to mine this year because last year I set one of those crazy high resolutions and actually did it! I made the resolution to lose some weight and get healthy, and I finally got brave enough to call my buddy (a personal trainer here in Kansas City) and say I needed help. I spent 12 weeks over the summer working my butt off (literally) and being very disciplined with my diet. Here are my before and after photos.....



Reaching my goal of losing 10% of my total body fat, did wonders for my self-esteem. I went from a frumpy, unhappy girl and came out on the other side a confident, toned woman. I now feel like (and know!) I can do anything I set my mind to do! Trust me, if I can do this, so can you! Check out Hitch Fit's website and get inspired by all the amazing testimonials written by others who have gone through transformations, and you can read mine too. Here's the link. I would love to hear your goals for the new year and the progress you're making! And I'll keep you updated on how I'm doing!

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