Meal Plan | Week 3

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Here is the meal plan for week 3! You'll notice, it's super simple. This is my first week of spring semester and I wanted to keep our meals easy and not try to do too much. A lot of our dinners are things that are easy for me just to whip up and don't require a recipe. Also, like usual, I planned all of our meals off of my pantry inventory so my grocery list was really small, success!

It is super cold here this week and we're expecting crappy weather so I started the week with some really good homemade chicken noodle soup (made completely with ingredients I already had), and we were able to have it for lunch yesterday and today. You might also notice that I didn't prep lunches this week. Normally I would, but last week we were left with so many leftovers that I felt like we were wasting food. So for our lunches we're just either having a smaller portion of our leftover dinner with fresh veggies and fruit or making wraps. Easy peasy!

I forgot to take a picture of what I bought at the grocery store this week, but here's my list:
  • apples
  • onions
  • garlic
  • broccoli
  • cucumber
  • cherry tomatoes
  • tilapia fillets
  • Parmesan cheese
  • milk
  • Greek yogurt
  • honey
When we got home, I cut up the broccoli and cucumber and have them ready in the fridge for cooking and for snacking. 

Well that's it, quick and easy week! Happy planning!

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